Saturday, October 18, 2014

Shader fun

I've recently been trying to consolidate my shader management code. I've been migrating Clayworks from fixed platform purgatory on DirectX to multi-platform nirvana using OpenGL/GLES2. I've wanted to do this for ages but other work always took priority.  I'd laid the ground work fairly well by abstracting off a central graphics context class - not as a virtual interface but as a static interface layer between the system graphics library and my own code, with lots of helper functions built in for my particular needs and a small sub set of platform dependent code.

Implementing the OpenGL version took a lazy week of evening hacking while on holiday. It was quite satisfying to see Clayworks start up and know that it's nearly defenestrated. That's not to say that it won't be on windows, it's just that it won't be stuck there.

These days, OpenGL and DirectX are mostly just a thin layer of glue between application code and shaders. This may all change if ATI's Mantle gains traction (and I certainly want use it) but converting between one set of calls to create vertex buffers and another is just a bit of boilerplate work - it takes as long as it takes but it's hardly interesting or challenging.
The difference between shader languages is a little more involved. I have a set of GLSL shaders and HLSL shaders that do similar (but not quite the same) things. GLSL is a more streamlined language than HLSL (or nVidia's cg, which is really similar) and that its advantages, particularly for driver writers.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of inconsistency in quality and in my work on ExoMiner, I found it necessary to add functionality for including files (there's no #include in glsl) and also optimization (some mobile platforms just don't do it - I've been using the GLSL optimizer project). For the Clayworks OpenGL push, I wanted to take that a bit further.
Clayworks (and ExoMiner) makes use of material objects for surface shading. These are objects that are shared between many instances that describe surface rendering properties. Previously, adding a new material in Clayworks was tedious: I'd have to create a new c++ class, add a bunch of properties and then manually match these up with shader constants. It's another one of those things I've been meaning to rewrite for a while - shaders and other scripts should make development more fluid but when you have to write hand crafted C++ boilerplate, it becomes slow and tedious.
I thought that this would be the ideal time to investigate ways of automating this process for Clayworks and Exominer (which uses a different engine). The fly in the ointment here is that the platform I'm converting from (DirectX/HLSL) has far better tools built in for this than the platform I'm converting to (OpenGL/GLSL) in the form of semantics and annotations - features that, for whatever reason, I haven't made use of until now.
As I mentioned before, GLSL is rather minimalist so if you want fancy features like annotations then you'd better write them yerself. I did google for prior work (and I'm sure people have done this sort of thing before, even if they aren't sharing) but the best I could come up with were some 10 year old discussions that ended acrimoniously.

Now created with less tedium - new shaders can be edited and their properties updated whilst the game or editor is running

Here's some example GLSL annotations. This won't compile in vanilla GLSL or in HLSL (thanks to the 'uniform', 'lowp' and 'vec4' keywords, which aren't part of GLSL.

uniform lowp vec4    material_diffuse  : DIFFUSE  < string Object = "Material";  string UIName = "Diffuse";  > = {1,1,1,1};
uniform lowp vec4    material_specular : SPECULAR < string Object = "Material";  string UIName = "Specular"; > = {1,1,1,1};
uniform lowp vec4    material_specular_edge : SPECULAR < string Object = "Material"; string UIName = "Specular Edge"; > = {1,1,1,1};
uniform lowp vec4    material_emissive : EMISSION      < string Object = "Material";  string UIName = "Emission";  > = {0,0,0,0};
uniform lowp vec4    material_ambient  : AMBIENT       < string Object = "Material"; string UIName = "Ambient"; > = {1,1,1,1};
m lowp vec4    material_specular_edge : SPECULAR < string Object = "Material"; string UIName = "Specular Edge"; > = {1,1,1,1};
uniform lowp vec4    material_emissive : EMISSION      < string Object = "Material";  string UIName = "Emission";  > = {0,0,0,0};
uniform lowp vec4    material_ambient  : AMBIENT       < string Object = "Material"; string UIName = "Ambient"; > = {1,1,1,1};

Note that the default values (e.g. {1,1,1,1}) have curly braces. Apparently, the form 'vec4(1,1,1,1)' is also allowed although I've yet to implement this.
The default values are parsed and stored by the preprocessor and then stripped out rather than let the driver handle these. As mentioned here, some drivers do not implement these correctly.

I considered a few different options for annotations but decided that, seeing as it was a standard of sorts already, I'd try and implement the SAS system used in HLSL and cg. I should mention that at this point, my intention was to write the simplest piece of code I could to parse out annotations from the source and then spit out some nice, simple HLSL code. I did not intend (honestly now) to write a C style preprocessor, a full expression evaluator and a tight bit of code that can happily and efficiently make sense of and build an Abstract Syntax Tree out of just about any shader you care to throw at it. This is what we generally refer to as 'feature creep' but I swear to goodness that it was the devil in the details that made me do it.

In trying to parse the code, I found that it was necessary to understand various forms of type declaration, determine which object were arrays, what the size of those arrays was (which required me to write a full C style preprocessor as my shaders had some funky macros in them) and handle defaults (which some GLSL implementations fail to handle correctly, so best do them here and strip them out).
The now allows me to write SAS style annotations in GLSL code, which makes authoring shaders in Clayworks much easier. Whereas previously I had to write a lot of tedious boilerplate code, now it's just a little addition to the shader file and the material is ready to edit; it's even possible to edit the shader while the program is running and have that change the list of tweakable properties. All of the serialisation of material settings 'just works' automagically too, which is nice.

I didn't use flex/bison to do the AST construction (like I said, I was trying to 'keep it simple, stupid' and the output of flex ain't pretty) but it works and the code is quite clean. I may end up using the those tools eventually as every other shader parser I've seen (Angle, GLSL optimizer) makes use of them.

Which brings me to an observation - whilst a lot of this preprocessing is a production phase (products likely ship with optimized or even obfuscated and/or binary shaders), these shaders are being parsed around four times - once by my preprocessor, another by the optimizer, then (on windows) by Angle and finally by the driver itself. This seems a waste to me and I'd rather these disparate steps shared data structures. It'd be good to try and integrate these projects. I intend to open source this piece of work on github. I've made a repro here, although it's empty at the time of writing. I have to extract the code from my own libraries first.

The next step is to make the code parse full HLSL code and spit out GLSL, grabbing techniques and pass information as it does so. Clayworks does make extensive use of those features so rather than re-implement all those shaders, it'll be less work to write an interpreter for HLSL. That will have to wait for a little while though as I've achieved the original goals for this project and there are only so many hours in the day.

Please let me know if you're aware of any open source libraries with the same aims that already exist.

Close but no cigar

Close but no cigar
Some experiments don't end in a successful result but are kind of successful anyway. Today's diversion was one of these. I'd toyed with the idea of building a helper header file that would allow me to compile GLSL code in C++, which would have found numerous uses in ExoMiner. Baring a few constraints, that task has been a success.
  However, the biggest stumbling block came after the initial success as a seemingly identical image slowly filled up an image buffer. The two images are close but, alas, not identical. The basic impression of the shader, which is one of the most complicated in the game, has been successfully reproduced. Unfortunately, they need to be identical so this isn't of any use for the particular problem I'm trying to solve.
  The problem is with differences between the floating (or possibly fixed) point number implementations on the GPU and on the CPU - small differences in these can lead to big differences when you're generating random numbers. This is why when building a procedural world in a game like minecraft, running the generator with the same seed on different platforms can yield very different random worlds, whilst still following all of the rules for building that world.  Similarly, the two galaxies both work but they're both different places. If you're wondering: yes, you can zoom down to each star and they all have solar systems, all 20 million of them - that's for the next blog post however.

Whilst it's hardly complete, below you'll find he helper header I've used to enable me to compile that particular GLSL shader. There are a few gotchas - I couldn't get vertex swizzling to work with my vector classes as the GLSL vector swizzlers (e.g. 'vec.xy', '' etc.) aren't functions but a special case of structure access. Using anonymous unions within a struct might do it for contiguous elements but that would mess up constructors, which are also required by the syntax.

 For many shaders though, just include this code, initialise your shader variables and pick up the result in 'gl_FragColor'. This was designed for shaders run as full-screen rectangles such as would be used for generating textures or ray casting scenes, although it could be adapted for a full rasterizer.

 One thing this code isn't is fast: it's a proof of principle and is unoptimized. It's a clear candidate for implementation in a parallel library such as TBB. Also, obvious optimizations such as passing larger objects by const reference were omitted due to the fact that GLSL doesn't bother with that sort of thing and I wanted to compile the code within C++ with as little massaging as possible.

 Despite having made no real attempts at optimizing anything, the tremendous speed difference between the CPU and GPU has given me renewed respect for the GPU engineers, as well as the author of the shader optimizer.

//--------8<--------- start glsl helper include file ------------------------------------------------

    inline float pow(float v, float exp) { return ::powf(v, exp); }
    inline vec2 sin(const vec2 &a) { return vec2(::sinf(a.x), ::sinf(a.y)); }
    inline vec3 sin(const vec3 &a) { return vec3(::sinf(a.x), ::sinf(a.y), ::sinf(a.z)); }
    inline vec4 sin(const vec4 &a) { return vec4(::sinf(a.x), ::sinf(a.y), ::sinf(a.z), ::sinf(a.w)); }
    inline vec2 cos(const vec2 &a) { return vec2(::cosf(a.x), ::cosf(a.y)); }
    inline vec3 cos(const vec3 &a) { return vec3(::cosf(a.x), ::cosf(a.y), ::cosf(a.z)); }
    inline vec4 cos(const vec4 &a) { return vec4(::cosf(a.x), ::cosf(a.y), ::cosf(a.z), ::cosf(a.w)); }
    inline vec2 fract(const vec2 &a) { return vec2(fract(a.x), fract(a.y)); }
    inline vec3 fract(const vec3 &a) { return vec3(fract(a.x), fract(a.y), fract(a.z)); }
    inline vec4 fract(const vec4 &a) { return vec4(fract(a.x), fract(a.y), fract(a.z), fract(a.w)); }
    inline vec2 floor(const vec2 &a) { return vec2(::floorf(a.x), ::floorf(a.y)); }
    inline vec3 floor(const vec3 &a) { return vec3(::floorf(a.x), ::floorf(a.y), ::floorf(a.z)); }
    inline vec4 floor(const vec4 &a) { return vec4(::floorf(a.x), ::floorf(a.y), ::floorf(a.z), ::floorf(a.w)); }
    inline vec2 clamp(const vec2 &v, float a, float b) { return vec2(clamp(v.x, a, b), clamp(v.y, a, b)); }
    inline vec3 clamp(const vec3 &v, float a, float b) { return vec3(clamp(v.x, a, b), clamp(v.y, a, b), clamp(v.z, a, b)); }
    inline vec4 clamp(const vec4 &v, float a, float b) { return vec4(clamp(v.x, a, b), clamp(v.y, a, b), clamp(v.z, a, b), clamp(v.w, a, b)); }
    inline float mod(float a, float b) { return ::fmod(a, b); }
    inline vec2 normalize(const vec2 &v) { return v.Normal(); }
    inline vec3 normalize(const vec3 &v) { return v.Normal(); }
    inline vec4 normalize(const vec4 &v) { return v.Normal(); }

    template <class t="">
    inline T smoothstep(const T &edge0, const T &edge1, float x)
        // Scale, bias and saturate x to 0..1 range
        x = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
        // Evaluate polynomial
        return x*x*(3 - 2 * x);

    template <class t="">
    inline T mix(const T &edge0, const T &edge1, float x)
        return edge0 + (edge1 - edge0) * x;   

    inline vec3 operator * (const vec3 &v, const mat3 &mat) { return mat.PostMultiplyVector(v); } //pre
    inline vec3 operator * (const mat3 &mat, const vec3 &v) { return mat.PostMultiplyVector(v); }

    vec4 texture2D(const sampler2D &sampler, const vec2 &pt, float bias = 1.0);
    vec4 texture2D(const sampler2D &sampler, const vec3 &pt, float bias = 1.0);

    extern vec4 gl_FragColor;
    extern vec4 gl_FragCoord;
    extern float gl_FragDepth;
//--------8<------------------------ end glsl helper include file --------------------------------

for (int y = 0; y < imagedata->mHeight; ++y)
        glsl::gl_FragCoord.x = 0.0f;
        for (int x = 0; x < imagedata->mWidth; ++x)
            glsl::gl_FragColor = glsl::vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); //initialise the fragment colour
            glsl::main(); //run the shader

            glsl::gl_FragColor = glsl::vec4(glsl::gl_FragColor.w, glsl::gl_FragColor.z, glsl::gl_FragColor.y, glsl::gl_FragColor.x);             //have to swap the channel order

            *pixels = glsl::gl_FragColor.ToDWORDsat(); //saturated 4 float colour to

            glsl::gl_FragCoord.x += 1.0f; //move to the next pixel to the right
        glsl::gl_FragCoord.y -= 1.0f; //move to the next scanline (flipped in the y-axis)
